Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rejection Slip Theater ©, episode 17a

Hey, kids, wake up! It's time for Rejection Slip Theater ©, podcast Episode 17a and the continuing adventures of that 1929 barnstormer, Jake Hollow. He's hot on the tail of foreign agents, spies, curvy dames armed with stiletto heals and vaguely European accents. Yes, Jake Hollow, the lantern-jawed action-misadventure aviator with the Lucky Strike smile, comes in from the cold in Jake Hollow, Airmail Pilot ©, Chapter 3, written by Paul Berge and starring: Michael Cornelison as Jake, Annie Meacham as the breathless Mary Beth, Morgan Halgren as the spy, Joseph Pundzak as Ernie, Greg Anderson as Postal Commander Rockmander and Paul Berge as the Colonel.
And as always, we hop into the '56 Plymouth station wagon to head down the Garden State Parkway to Westwood, New Jersey 07675, exit 168, to visit Artie Azzetti and the Gang ©. It's the opening day of Little League baseball, and in New Jersey, when you steal second, you get to keep it.
But there's no need to steal RST because, it's all free when you click on: And, remember, kids: Tell your friends! Credits: Rejection Slip Theater (original © 1993), was created and produced by Joseph Pundzak and Paul Berge. Michael Meacham, Technical Director. Joseph Pundzak, Executive Producer. Original music by Jamie Poulsen. All Artie Azzetti and the Gang © stories were written and performed by Paul Berge. All original written stories remain the copyrighted property of the authors, used with permission by Rejection Slip Theater, which retains all rights to the audio productions. Most performers are available for voice work through Radio Garage in Urbandale, Iowa ( Some of the RST radioplays are available for theatrical production. Contact us for scripts, fees and copyrights at: Write "RST scripts" in the subject bar. No attachments, Fwd, viri or embedded messages, please, or the US Congress will waggle a non-binding finger at you so fast, buster, it'll...well, it'll do nothing. Our podcast guru is Dan Wardell. More RST podcasts at: RST web site and Contact Us: "Good night...or good morning. Whatever works."

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rejection Slip Theater ©, podcast Episode 16 A

Hey, kids, wake up! It's time for Rejection Slip Theater ©, podcast Episode 16 A. If you loved Bootleg Skies© and Inside The Circle©, you'll cheer, laugh and mostly cringe when you hear what's become of 1929 barnstormer, Jake Hollow. He's gone postal! Again! Yes, Jake Hollow, the lantern-jawed action-misadventure aviator with the Lucky Strike smile, re-emerges in Jake Hollow, Airmail Pilot ©, Chapter 2, written by Paul Berge and starring: Michael Cornelison as Jake, Annie Meacham as the breathless Mary Beth, Joseph Pundzak as Ernie, Greg Anderson as Postal Commander Rockmander and Paul Berge as the Colonel. (Jake Hollow, Airmail Pilot ©.) And as always, we hop into the '56 Plymouth wagon to head down the Garden State Parkway to Westwood, New Jersey 07675, exit 168, visit Artie Azzetti and the Gang ©. It's all free when you click on: And, remember, kids: Tell your friends!
Credits: Rejection Slip Theater (original © 1993), was created and produced by Joseph Pundzak and Paul Berge. Michael Meacham, Technical Director. Joseph Pundzak, Executive Producer. Original music by Jamie Poulsen. All Artie Azzetti and the Gang © stories were written and performed by Paul Berge. All original written stories remain the copyrighted property of the authors, used with permission by Rejection Slip Theater, which retains all rights to the audio productions. Most performers are available for voice work through Radio Garage in Urbandale, Iowa ( Some of the RST radioplays are available for theatrical production. Contact us for scripts, fees and copyrights at: Write "RST scripts" in the subject bar. No attachments, Fwd, viri or embedded messages, please, or the US Congress will waggle a non-binding finger at you so fast, buster, it'll...well, it'll do nothing. Our podcast guru is Dan Wardell. More RST podcasts at: RST web site and Contact Us: "Good night...or good morning. Whatever works."