Friday, February 15, 2008

Rejection Slip Theater Episode 6b

Hey, kids, wake up! It's time for Rejection Slip Theater ©, podcast Episode 6b, The Bingo Show, first aired on radio in 1994, maybe 1995. Dates get a little fuzzy, but it was definitely after Pearl Harbor and before George W. Bush took the country "Nucular."
On this episode we explore the stickier side of flattery in a story called, Flattery Will Get You. You'll also hear a story about small town baseball. Plus, we make our usual visit to Westwood, New Jersey (Exit 168 on the Garden State Parkway, take #165 if you want to save a dime), to meet up with those kids from St. Anthony's Elementary School, Artie Azzetti and the Gang in a game of high-stakes, no-hold 'em BINGO!
It's all just a click away:
So, if everyone has their cake--enjoy.
Rejection Slip Theater Podcast Radio © credits: Rejection Slip Theater (original © 1993), was created and produced by Joseph Pundzak and Paul Berge. Michael Meacham, Technical Director. This episode's Rejection Players cast features: Michael Meacham, Michael Cornelison, Richard Choate, Patty Choate and Joseph Pundzak...maybe, Morgan Halgren, Greg Anderson, Linda Blakely and many more truly talented actors.
Joseph Pundzak is the Executive Producer. Original music by Jamie Poulsen. All Artie Azzetti And The Gang © stories were written and performed by Paul Berge, all rights reserved.
All original written stories remain the copyrighted property of the authors, used with permission by Rejection Slip Theater, which retains all rights to the audio productions.
Most of the radio performers are available for voice work through Radio Garage in Urbandale, Iowa: (
Hey, kids: Wanna put on a Live Radioplay in the privacy of your own locker room, theater class or prison community room? Who doesn't? Well, some of the RST radioplays are available for theatrical production. Contact us for scripts, fees and copyrights at: Write "RST scripts" in the subject bar. No: attachments, Fwd, viri or embedded messages, please, or you'll be forced to listen to Hillary Clinton nag you about your penmanship.
Our podcast guru is Dan Wardell. More RST podcasts at: RST web site and Contact Us: Rejected Presidential Primary coverage at: "...and I've been your host, Paul Berge. Good night...or good morning. Whatever works."
.......... ***

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rejection Slip Theater Episode 5b, The Mystery Show

Hey, kids, wake up! It's time for Rejection Slip Theater ©, podcast Episode 5b, The Mystery Radio Show, first aired on radio in 1994...or 1995...possibly 1996. We say that in all confidence because, frankly, we lost the notes and can't recall what's on this episode. It's a mystery. So, do us all a favor here at the Rejection Radio Ranch, listen to the broadcast, take notes and drop us a line ("These two guys walk into a bar..."). Let us, the producers, know just what we produced all those years ago.
Despite this momentary lapse, we assume that this episode will be filled with radio drama, adventure, romance, comedy--maybe a talking horse or a singing pig wearing a bikini--and, probably, another visit to Westwood, New Jersey (Exit 168 on the Garden State Parkway, take #165 if you want to save a dime), where we'll meet up with those kids from St. Anthony's Elementary School, Artie Azzetti and the Gang.
But, that's all conjecture unless you listen to the entire episode and write to us in the Comments section below. You won't get paid for this; few in radio ever are, except Rush Limbaugh, who, we need to point out is not gay. Not that there'd be anything wrong with Rush Limbaugh being gay, which he reportedly is not. We're just saying...
Meanwhile, enjoy the show, and for those keeping score, here are the Rejection Slip Theater Podcast Radio © credits: Rejection Slip Theater (original © 1993), was created and produced by Joseph Pundzak and Paul Berge. Michael Meacham, Technical Director. This episode's Rejection Players cast features: Michael Meacham, Michael Cornelison, Richard Choate, Patty Choate and Joseph Pundzak...and probably Morgan Halgren, Greg Anderson, Linda Blakely and many more truly talented actors. We just won't know until you listen.
We do know that Joseph Pundzak is the Executive Producer. Original music by Jamie Poulsen. All Artie Azzetti And The Gang © stories were written and performed by Paul Berge, all rights reserved. All original written stories remain the copyrighted property of the authors, used with permission by Rejection Slip Theater, which retains all rights to the audio productions.
Most performers are available for voice work through Radio Garage in Urbandale, Iowa: (
Hey, kids: Wanna put on a Live Radioplay in the privacy of your own locker room, theater class or prison community room? Who doesn't? Well, some of the RST radioplays are available for theatrical production. Contact us for scripts, fees and copyrights at:
Write "RST scripts" in the subject bar. No: attachments, Fwd, viri or embedded messages, please, or you'll be forced to listen to Hillary Clinton nag you about your penmanship.
Our podcast guru is Dan Wardell. More RST podcasts at: RST web site and Contact Us: Rejected Presidential Primary coverage at:
"...and I've been your host, Paul Berge. Good night...or good morning. Whatever works."
.......... ***

Friday, February 1, 2008

Rejection Slip Theater Episode 24a

Hey, kids, wake up! It's time for Rejection Slip Theater ©, podcast Episode 24a, first aired on radio in 1994. In tonight's episode...

Whaddya mean, it's not night? You're listening to this stuff during daylight hours? Donchya know that can hurt your eyes? Sheesh....Okay, since this is radio, and anything goes, so just pretend it's night. .

Now, where was I...lessee, Hey, Kids, blah, blah, blah....oh yeah, on tonight's episode the Rejection Players take you on a hunting expedition in...

What, now?

No, this isn't a real hunting expedition, and no real animals were hurt in the making of this Mind Movie (TM) fact, Rejection Slip Theater is the only podcast radio drama program that has been approved by PETA. *.

Now, quit interrupting. There are millions of listeners who want to hear the dang hunting story.

Plus we take you to Vermont for a major minor league baseball game like nothing you've ever experienced, unless, of course, you're really weird or live in Vermont. Say, Cheese!.

And, as always, we visit Westwood, New Jersey, Exit 168 off the Garden State Parkways (Exit 165 if you want to save a dime) for a visit with Artie Azzetti and the Gang at St. Anthony's Elementary School where they learn the true meaning of Bingo!.

It's all just a click away: .

Remember, kids: Tell your friends where you heard it--for free--on Rejection Slip Theater Podcast Radio ©. Credits: Rejection Slip Theater (original © 1993), was created and produced by Joseph Pundzak and Paul Berge. Michael Meacham, Technical Director. This episode's Rejection Players cast features: Michael Meacham, Michael Cornelison, Richard Choate, Patty Choate and Joseph Pundzak.

Joseph Pundzak, Executive Producer. Original music by Jamie Poulsen. All Artie Azzetti And The Gang © stories were written and performed by Paul Berge, all rights reserved. All original written stories remain the copyrighted property of the authors, used with permission by Rejection Slip Theater, which retains all rights to the audio productions. Most performers are available for voice work through Radio Garage in Urbandale, Iowa: (

* PETA: Professional Entertaining Talking Animals.

Hey, kids: Wanna put on a Live Radioplay in the privacy of your own locker room, theater class or prison community room? Who doesn't? Well, some of the RST radioplays are available for theatrical production. Contact us for scripts, fees and copyrights at:

Write "RST scripts" in the subject bar. No: attachments, Fwd, viri or embedded messages, please, or you'll be forced to listen to the complete Mitt Romney campaign promises collection while standing in an Iowa corn field. Our podcast guru is Dan Wardell. More RST podcasts at: RST web site and Contact Us: Rejected Presidential Primary coverage at:

"...and I've been your host, Paul Berge. Good night...or good morning. Whatever works."
